Ben: Thanks for the fuckin' help, Javy.
Javy: You're a goddamn gazelle, Clemens. No wonder they put you up for a promotion.

El Catrin: Come. Join me.
Ben: You gotta be shittin' me.

See you soon.


This garbage is good. Garbage means civilization. Come on.

Ben [to Maria]

Maria [looking at beef jerky]: What we're going to look like soon: Wrinkled, Stiff. Dead.

Ben: We wouldn't even be walking out here if you hadn't filled a guy's head with expanding foam.
Maria: If you had listened, we could have come across in a fucking car.

Maria: Far?
Ben: Take only what you need.

Frank: I'm Frank, Kate's stepdad.
Garrett: I'm Garrett, Ben's emotional support animal.

Jill: You're her father, not Frank. You should be there.
Ben: You're right.
Jill: If only you had said that more, we might still be married.
Ben: Probably not. Now, who's right?

What a shithole!


Do I look like I need a necklace?

Ben [to trinket seller]

Jon Don: Ben, there's protocol.
Ben: Fuck protocol. He's right here, standing in front of me. I can bring him in if you want.
Jon Don: Ben, it's not your job anymore. Gotta go, buddy.

Coyote Quotes

Ben: Hey, chief! Where's your bathroom? Bano?
Clerk: Customers only.
Ben: Maybe you can make an exception. Or you can sell me one of these boxes and I'll take a shit in that instead.

Man: We were told there would be no drugs.
Coyote: Plans change.