Rossi: Look.
Morgan: You don't have to explain, man.
Rossi: No, you don't understand.
Morgan: A locker? Really? You took a leak on the guy?
Rossi: I was working him, Derek.

Rossi: You killed all of those people for revenge.
Charles: No, I killed out of hate. Hate grew in me that night. And hate vowed to pay them all back.

Morgan: Baby? Babe? What are you doing? Why are you still up?
Savannah: Sorry. Sorry if I woke you up. Hospital just called. Six call pileup on the east end. Oh - Rusty will probably need a walk in a few hours. Do you mind taking him out? I already filled his bowl, so he should be good for now. Eggs and juice are in the fridge so feel free to help yourself. I made a fresh pot of coffee. Make sure you unplug it when you're done. Don't forget to lock up when you leave.

Alfred Hitchcock said "there is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."


Morgan: Baby girl, I'm sorry. I don't know. Okay, me and Savannah, we had like this amazing night. When we cut to four hours later, she's throwing me an air kiss and rushing out the door to work. And I'm stuck at 2:00 in the morning walking her little pug.
Garcia: Oh. You got Morganed.
Morgan: What? What are you talking about?
Garcia: YOu are on call 24/7, and when a case comes in, you drop whatever and whoever you are doing and you haul ass back to work.
Morgan: I guess I never thought about it like that.
Garcia: And now you are having what Oprah calls an "a-ha" moment. Think about it. If you would have gotten that call, you would have done the exact same thing to her. Because your job comes first, and so does hers. And that is why you two work. Oh my gosh - she is you, in heels.
Morgan: You're right.

They've forced our hand. Now - we're going to have to teach them a lesson they'll never forget.


Cameron: My name is Cameron Patterson. I'm a soldier. 53699
JJ: Is that what he told you to say? Cameron you don't have to say that ever again. We're going to take you to your mom and dad.

The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse - Edmund Burke.


Morgan: How was your day? Save some lives?
Savannah: Mm hm. We both did.
Morgan: Yeah we did. So, what do you got in mind for the next twenty minutes?

Rossi: Right over there. That's where I saw Caroline the first time.
Reid: No offence, Rossi but...this place is kind of a dump.
Rossi: Back then it wasn't. Back then the biggest names would come here. Creedence, The Eagles, Chicago. It was a Marine bar. They played for us jarheads.

If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins - Benjamin Franklin


Reid: His area of control, while relatively small includes a number of residential and commercial buildings. Factor in a three mile radius in a city with a population of 636,479 over 48.28 miles, we're looking at approximately 39,549.23 living in his comfort zone.
Morgan: How many of them male?
Reid: 18,944.08

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Criminal Minds Quotes

Morgan: (discussing Viper) We need to bait him with someone he sees as a challenge.
Reid: To study his style up close and personal is going to take someone that he's already attracted to.
(all eyes are on Emily)
Prentiss: Ahh, oh, this is really gonna suck.

Garcia: Sir, does this guy stuff actually work on real, breathing girls?
Hotchner: (confused) Why are you asking me?
Garcia: I abhor the whole chicks-dig-jerks thing.
Hotchner: Well, fortunately, Garcia, you are one of the exceptions.
Garcia: Be still my bespeckled heart. So are you, sir.
Hotchner: (smiling) Thanks.