Cruel is the strife of brothers - Aristotle


Replicator: You really think your team is going to save you?
Strauss: I know they will
Replicator: Did you get everything you wanted?
Strauss: What?
Replicator: Did you?
Strauss: Does anyone?
Replicator: We should.

Affliction comes to us, not to make us sad but sober; not to make us sorry, but wise - H.G. Wells


Kevin: Two other people read the report
Hotch: Who?
Kevin: You're going to need a tie.

Replicator: You know what I've been wondering? Why did Strauss change her mind about you?
Blake: I kept my head down and worked hard.
Replicator: We all did. But you got my chance.

Replicator: We really died for them?
Rossi: It's the oath we all took. To protect our country from people like you, no matter what.
Replicator: You never appreciate me, none of you. I gave you my life. And you rejected me.
Rossi: You can tell me your sob story while walking.

Replicator: We'll go out as heroes.
Rossi: I'm not so sure about that. [Holds up Strauss' medallion] Zugzwang.

Last year, right here, we had a very different celebration, Of life, of love, and good people. This year it's the other side of that. Because, well, that's what families do. It's been a hard year. But tonight, we celebrate a life well-lived, well-loved. To a good woman. An even better mother. To our friend, who I will miss very much.


Richard Bach wrote "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each others' life."


We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love.It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person. - W. Somerset Maugham


Rossi: So, we know the Unsub uses the victims' own cars as his dump site.
Reid: Technically it's not a dump site. It's transportation disposal modality.

JJ: Cutting a husband and wife to death. It's more like he's mocking their marriage bond.
Rossi: That's where my head's at. You took each other for better or worse, now I'm going to show you worse.