Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the kitchen to ask if I can stand in their walk-in freezer.


I must say, for a virgin you were surprisingly open-minded.


Humiliation - it's not always something we can avoid.

Mary Alice

Do you wanna talk about my perfect lawn? Nine years ago, my son found me face down drunk on it. It's true! He had to turn the sprinklers on to wake me up. Did you not know you're dating the biggest lush in Fairview?


You're either going as a dog or a little Mexican girl. And in this neighborhood, we both know which one's getting more candy!

Gaby [to Juanita]

Bree: I'll come if I can bring Keith.
Renee: I guess one child would be okay.

Renee: I feel like you get me, Gaby. And you know why? Because we're both extremely beautiful.
Gaby: God bless you for having the courage to say that.
Renee: Only someone who looks like us can understand what a burden it can be.
Gaby: Actually, it's pretty awesome!

I haven't touched a carb since 1985, but thank you.


I better figure out a way to slow him down before this John Wayne walk becomes permanent.

Bree [on Keith]

Paul: Susan, it seems like a lot of things are for sale: your body, your honor, your reputation. The house would seem to be the smallest of those things.

He had a plan that would set neighbor against neighbor and friend against friend, and it was a plan that was going to succeed.

Mary Alice

Your job is to watch television and eat way too much candy and my job is to make sure that's all your job is.

Lynette [to Penny]