This is why you're so great, dad. You don't pretend to be someone you're not. You don't care what anyone thinks.


I thought you were this wordly, sophisticated guy, but you're just a fraud. Like Moses.


TV is how stupid losers spend their time.


We're a team like fish and chips and fat guys.


I can't go to jail. They'll razz me good on account of my belly.


If cellphones worked, every movie would be two minutes long.


What if God is a serial killer? He lowers the average lifespan of humans to 65.


I'm as creative as the first spider to spin a web.


Brian: OMG, Stewie. What are you doing in the toilet with the lid closed?
Stewie: Ted R. says this is where a piece of crap has to live.

It's so salty and chunky where you don't want it to be.


Hey, Meg, I like your new boyfriend. Every pot finds a lid, huh?


So I was wondering why this tampon commerical was so long, until I realized it was a rerun of Sex and The City


Family Guy Season 14 Quotes

Ugggh! This tastes like Ani DiFranco after a bike ride!

Quagmire (referencing an awful Korean Taco)

Hey? You up? Guess where I have a crayon?

Stewie (seductively to a little girl at nap time in school)