Sam: There's this novel going around town with this character based on Serena. Sabrina is a totally shallow self-obsessed party girl. Yes, I finished it.
Serena: Aren't you being a little reductive?
Jane: And ridiculous. Daniel lives on a farm in Ireland, his cow's probably giving birth right now. And everything isn't about Serena.

Princess Sophie: I know this is very short notice, but not to worry. My dress is on the way.
Blair: Your dress?
Princess Sophie: Everybody else has been married in this dress, from my great grandmother on.
Blair: Louis, I already lost on the food and the flowers and the font. You know how important choosing my dress is for me.

Princess Sophie: I see from your list of demands, Blair—
Eleanor: Demands?
Princess Sophie: —that you would like to have peonies in your bridal bouquet.
Blair: They're my favorite flower.
Princess Sophie: And they are very beautiful, but in our country a bride always walks with carnations.
Blair: To the nearest florist and demands a refund. I'll be holding peonies.

"Flighty"? "Irresponsible?" I'm gonna kill him.


Don't bother lying. Or hanging up. We met this morning when you were Charlie Rhodes.


Serena: Woah. Usually when you smile like this you look like a creepy Cheshire Cat. But this one is real. What is your secret and if it's legal I want some.
Chuck: It's not a substance. It's a state of mind. A word.
Serena: Let me guess, a dirty word.
Chuck: "Yes".

Serena: I could lose my job over this.
Blair: I could lose my fiancée.
Serena: What?

Serena: How did you guys end up here? And who's boat is this?
Nate: This is Allegra Versace's. Chuck won it in a poker game in Chiang Mai. He won Allegra too, but that's another story.

Blair: How did you know just what I was missing. Shall I wear it to your uncle's speech at the General Assembly tomorrow?
Louis: Unfortunately you will not be allowed inside until you are an official member of the royal family. Consider yourself lucky. [?] speeches are stronger than Ambien.

Louis: How does it feel to be home?
Blair: Oh, it's going to be tough reacclimating after living in a palace. How will the penthouse do? But maybe we should skip the wedding planning and pull the blinds and just spend the day in bed.
Louis: We did that all summer. But we can't put off our parents any longer. Would a present help motivate you downstairs?

But it turns out the Queen's helper is the one B should fear.

Dan: What are you doing here, deep in NYU territory? If you've developed a passion for Ukrainian food then I think we did spend too much time together.
Blair: Actually. I'm on a date. You can handle that, right?
Dan: We're just friends. Date away.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.