Blair: What do we have, Chuck?
Chuck: Tonight. So shut up. And dance with me.

There's been an accident.


I never thought my life would turn out this way.


[to Serena] You have my word, for all that's worth.


[to Serena] If you're talking about the dress, I say higher.


She kissed me on the cheek and left a big orange lipstick mark, it looked like I'd been spray tanned!


He's just like Bill Paxton, only younger, and with scruff.


Serena: You can't get the prize if you don't go deep.
Blair: There are so many things wrong with that sentence.

My plans for the evening just got hung up in customs.


This is your family now, get with the program and fast.


[to Eric] You might want to ask Jonathan what he was doing Friday night.


Blair: Remember, Serena doesn't share!
Serena: Remember, Blair should learn to.

Gossip Girl Season 2 Quotes

Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.

Cheers to that, Blair. Nothing says welcome home like a bottle of bubbly... or a scandal bubbling.

Gossip Girl