Miranda: Best way to fight fear is with information, you can't fix what you don't know.
Amelia: Pregnancy club just got less fun.

Hayes: Who are you exactly?
Mer: Meredith Grey Chief of General Surgeon.
Hayes: Oh, Grey. I've heard of you. You're the one who got yourself and half the staff fired yeah?

DeLuca: I didn't know you were coming back today.
Mer: I would've told you, but you were too busy dumping me.

Listen, Dr. Whoever you are, this is my house. You're a guest in my home. I got this.


I had a bad feeling. I can't be a surgeon if I don't trust my own gut.


I know that this is a loss for you, but I'm asking you to leave me alone for now.


Vic: I'm Victoria Hughes, Station 19.
Catherine: What is that a TV channel?

Jo: So, you're no freaking out?
Link: What? No. No. It's not like it changes anything.

Richard: Maggie, your family, and you're hurting, and you're hiding because you lost Sabi. You've lost Sabi before.
Maggie: Not like this.

Sabi is dead because I didn't ask. I told her I was the best. I told her I was brilliant, and I couldn't even be clear in my OR.


Every time I think I've seen the craziest, dumbest things a person can do the ER is like "hold my beer!"


Abby: They're going to figure this out. Are you going to figure this out?
Bailey: You guys have been through so much already. And yes, we're going to figure this out.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
