Teddy: It's not Owen's baby.
Tom: Oh.
Teddy: Tom, this doesn't change the way I feel about you.
Tom: But...

Security, arrest this woman for child trafficking.


I'm going to be a little forward, OK? I have had a crush on you since my first year of residency.


She was the love of my life, and you were the love of hers. Take care, Teddy.


Teddy, hey. You always bump into people you know at these things, but never people you like.


I met the father of my daughter in Afghanistan after Allison died and he saved me from a grief so huge that I probably would’ve let it kill me. For years, I loved him so much I felt guilty for loving him half as much as I loved Allison, guilty because he was with someone else, and guilty because maybe I wasn’t capable of letting someone love me fully. And Allison did love me, yes. But she loved you too, Claire. Allison was in love with the both of us. At the time, I didn’t believe it. I thought no one could love more than one person at once. I thought love couldn’t be divided like that. But now I do, I believe it. And I’m sorry for the lies, the betrayal. I was a bad friend and I was selfish and I never, ever meant to hurt you.


Tom: Thank you.
Teddy: I'm so sorry because you've had more than enough pain.
Tom: You've taken away more than you've caused.

You replaced me with Schmidt, didn't you?


Ever since David died, I had this thought, what if I got to the hospital in time to operate I could've saved him. Now it's like he's here, and I can't even be in the same room with him without feeling like I'm drowning. It's like I'm holding onto a lie.

I don't need you, Jackson, Richard needs you. You're letting him down.


I should've been there. I would've seen something. I'm his wife. I'm his wife, so I can't be there, so you get back in that war room and figure it out.


Mer: What have you thought of that we haven't?
DeLuca: What do you mean?
Mer: Are you going to pretend like you're not in here trying to figure out what's wrong with Richard?

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
