The only thing worse than losing your daughter is losing her twice.

Amanda's Dad

Michael Noshimuri: He went to see Sato, didn't he?
Kono Kalakaua: Who the hell is Sato?

Steve McGarrett: She give you a reason?
Danny Williams: A reason why she stayed in Morocco? Or a reason why she stood me up at the airport?
Steve McGarrett: Either.

I sort of thought we had something nice going, but if I can't compete with sand storms and artifacts, I guess it was time to re-evaluate anyway, right?

Danny Williams

What happened to you, Mom? What happened to the woman who used to make fried bologna sandwiches, and was on the PTA, and showed me how to paddle an outrigger, and used to teach me magic tricks? Where'd you go?

Steve McGarrett

Listen, three retirees launching a covert op? How do you think that's gonna go down?

Steve McGarrett

Chin Ho Kelly. My brother stabbed your cousin, right? I guess that makes us practically related.

Michael Noshimuri

Police Officer: I hope you know what you're doing, Steve.
Danny Williams: You know what you're doing, right?

Good, all we gotta do is stop an anonymous maniac who butchered five people from getting off the island.


Steve McGarrett: Did you just hang up on the C.I.A.?
Danny Williams: No, I hung up on a schmuck...a gigantic schmuck.

Don't give me the 'hurt feelings' thing, Mom, because A. I don't buy it, and B. I don't care.

Steve McGarrett

McGarrett: Tell me you know how to swim.
Danny: I know how to swim. I swim for survival, not for fun.

Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

Danny: We shouldn't be doing this without backup.
Steve: You are the backup.
Danny: I am the backup. I hate him so much.

McGarrett: Tell me you know how to swim.
Danny: I know how to swim. I swim for survival, not for fun.