You can't pay the rent with patriotism.


Now, if you'll excuse us. I'm going to take this man home where I'm going to literally sex him to death.


Peyton: Liv, he risked everything to save you.
Liv: True. I know who he is, even if he forgets sometimes.

Major: Liv, I am so sorry we didn't get there in time to save your boyfriend.
Liv: Me too. His name was Levon, and he would still be alive if you hadn't kidnapped me.
Major: I know. But you wouldn't be.

Liv: Levon is dead. Isobel is dead. Lowell, Drake, I just want to go away somewhere I won't hurt anyone else. Somewhere I can't be hurt.
Ravi: I've got some good news for you. I can make you human.
Liv: Are you serious?
Ravi: 100% serious. 80% in can work.

Angus: I'm glad your mother isn't alive to see what kind of man you've become.
Baine: Don't say that.

Chase: Is that Paul Rudd narrating?
Inspector: Yeah, sounds like it.
Chase: Paul Rudd, he's a good guy.

Peyton: If they go through this, they're going to pay, Liv. I will make it my mission.
Liv: Then they should be very afraid. We always said we were going to make big names for ourselves. I guess we should have been a little more specific.

Liv: Try to remember me on this brain, Clive. This is the one who loves you.
Clive: Got it, partner.

Chase: Here's the deal, you have one minute to say your goodbyes. That's 20 seconds each.
Peyton: What?
Clive: Chase, be reasonable.

Fillmore Graves has Liv. They plan to execute her.


You better not be on a plane back here. You stay there until it's safe. There's going to be a day of reckoning once we run out of brains.


iZombie Quotes

Liv: Do you have any open sores in your mouth?
Major: Sexy.

  • Permalink: Sexy.
  • Added:

Oh, the humanity.
