Amenadiel: I admire you.
Chloe: Oh, yeah?
Amenadiel: Yeah. You hit dead-end after dead-end, but you still keep on searching. Doesn’t deter you. In fact, it only drives you to try harder.

Chloe: So, everything we shared and everything I was afraid was a manipulation—
Amenadiel: Is as real as it gets. You’re not the gift, Chloe. That is.

I didn’t get to say that “I hate you.” I didn’t get to say, “I forgive you.” I didn’t get to say anything. Because she’s gone.


Lucifer, if that’s true, if you choose to be vulnerable around me… then I choose to be vulnerable around you.


Ella: You two bow-chicka-wow-wow?
Chloe: No, no. We just kissed. And then guess what? You called, so here we are.

Chloe: So, what do we have?
Ella: BlueBallz.
Lucifer: You too?

  • Permalink: BlueBallz
  • Added:

Karnal: So, are you still married to that guy Dave?
Lucifer: Dan! [scoffs]

Chloe: Listen, I have dated guys at work before, but you know, people talk, and I don’t want that. And, this… us, you know, we don’t even know what this is yet. Do we?
Lucifer: I suppose not.

Chloe: Electrocuting a colleague? Blowing up his own studio? No one would go that far just to be near me.
Lucifer: Well, I did go to Hell and back for you -- twice -- but who’s counting?

Amenadiel: Linda always knows what to do, and I’m always in the way.
Dan: I’m sure Linda feels just as clueless as you do. What’s important is that you care, and you’re trying your best.

We all have our demons, myself included. But believe me when I say this. I know evil. And you, my friend, are not it.


Belinda: Do you know how long I have been waiting for copulation?
Lucifer: You and me both.

Lucifer Season 5 Quotes

I mean, at least you guys got to say goodbye. Me? Ghosted completely.


Chloe: Maze, just because you happen to have slept with that one murder victim a few weeks ago doesn’t mean that you slept with them all.
Maze: How am I supposed to keep up?
Chloe: With the murder victims or the people you’ve slept with?
Maze: Either.
Ella: Wow. Maze is really settling into her role as your new Lucifer.