Lucifer: Thank you for finally agreeing to meet with me, Detective.
Chloe: Well, after 57 phone calls, twice as many texts, the billboard off Sunset, oh and the ill-conceived stripper-gram.
Lucifer: In my defense, Roberto came highly recommended.

Lucifer: My apologies, Doctor. I don’t mean to barge into your home like this, but you weren’t at work.
Linda: It’s 7:00 am.
Lucifer: And?

Lucifer: Let me get this straight. I just spent millennia down there diligently doing everything He asked without complaint, and you have one sleepover in Hell and Dad tells you your watch is over?
Amenadiel: You know dad works in—
Lucifer: If you finish that sentence, I will punch you in your “mysterious ways.”

Lucifer: This is what you do every day?
Dan: What did you think I did?
Lucifer: Well, I don’t know, solve your own bloody murders. Daniel, you’re just a glorified librarian.

Linda: I wonder where she is now. How she’s doing.
Maze: She seems good.
Linda: What?!

Lucifer: I need this case solved quickly. Much as I appreciate you playing Detective Amenadiel, perhaps you should leave it to the professionals.
Amenadiel: Like the devil?

I know that look in your eyes. Over the years, our convent has taken in many women like you, women who feel powerless, adrift. You have more control than you think, my child.

Mother Superior

Dan: Did you spike my coffee?
Lucifer: It’s the only way to get through yet another tedious and useless task. You’re welcome.

I’m not Lilith. If you have something you need to say to your mother, you should say it to her.


Amenadiel: Why would I feel guilty?
Lucifer: Because you’re the one who performed the little miracle on the detective’s mom in the detective’s mom in the first place.
Amenadiel: That wasn’t my—
Chloe: You WHAT?!

So, I’m the only one immune to Lucifer’s mojo, so, do I have any powers, or… anything cool? I don’t know, laser beam hands, something?!


Lucifer: Detective, when I found out about this… manipulation, I felt the same way as you. But then I realized that it’s far from a curse. It’s a gift. I only hope that, in time, you come to see it that way, too.
Chloe: There is a huge difference, Lucifer. You were given a gift. I am that gift. I mean, I’m not even a person. I’m just a thing, created for someone else.

Lucifer Season 5 Quotes

I mean, at least you guys got to say goodbye. Me? Ghosted completely.


Chloe: Maze, just because you happen to have slept with that one murder victim a few weeks ago doesn’t mean that you slept with them all.
Maze: How am I supposed to keep up?
Chloe: With the murder victims or the people you’ve slept with?
Maze: Either.
Ella: Wow. Maze is really settling into her role as your new Lucifer.