She’s so new to our school, she doesn’t even realize that I’m a full social class below her.


Have you seen the way he looks at her? The same way he used to look at Halloween candy.


Haley: I’m Alex, who are you?
Andy: I’m their manny.
Haley: Nice try, I know their Manny and you look nothing like him.
Andy: Ohhh, you’re Haley.

Missouri, misery, huh?


Phil: Who says people at the closet convention get all the fun?
Luke: No one, no one says that.

Manny: You know what’s super helpful? When the guy in line behind you calls you Mount Sweatmore.
Luke: I was trying to relax you.

Hello Houstons? We have a situation.


Lily: Y’all fightin?
Cam: No no sweetie, we’re just having a conversation about how your daddy can be so stuck up.

Sisters before misters!


I was kind of the star of the evening. I got a huge laugh when I coined the phrase “shelf esteem.” Huh? Yeah? Okay, I’ll text it to Phil.


We never told Grandma ‘bout the gay.


Lily: Stop Dad you’re embarrassing me.
Mitchell: Welcome to the rest of your life sweetheart.