Nell: Now will you give it a rest about my driving?
Deeks: I will concede that we got down here with all of our limbs intact, which is nice. I am getting my head molded to get that custom helmet.

In fact, if it were up to me, your trial would look like something straight out of Salem, the only difference being those poor women were innocent.

Duggan [to Hetty]

Deeks: I feel like I'm more confused after you've explained it.
Nell: It's really not that complicated.
Deeks: No more words. There are some things that Deeks doesn't need to understand.

Admiral Hollace Kilbride: And, what am I supposed to tell Congressman Thomas?
Hetty: Tell him, I think he's an ass.
Kilbride: Keep me informed.

All this time hunting for the mole, and now it seems as if the mole is headed straight at us.

Hetty [to Kensi]

Duggan: Henrietta, why didn't you tell me about anything of this sooner?
Hetty: Because I didn't realize what you have to gain until now. I thought my career depended on finding the mole. Now I realize yours does.
Duggan: I don't follow.
Hetty: Taking me down would be big for your career, but not as big as finding the mole.

I feel as though the entire alphabet is after us.


Callen and Sam are alive. I repeat. Callen and Sam are alive.


Eric: Guys, you're needed up in Ops, ASAP.
Deeks: That's it? No quips?
Sam: No soliliquies?
Deeks: No nerd trivia?
Sam: No show tunes?
Deeks: No flugelhorn?
Eric: Not today.

Callen: Kens, you know I want you back in the field more than anyone.
Kensi: Not more than me.
Callen: And you seem ready. But it's not my decision.
Kensi: You can tell [Hetty] that you think I'm ready.
Callen: And she'll wait until she thinks you're ready.
Kensi: And I am.

Nell: Does anyone else feel really off-balance here?
Kensi: I think that's the point.
Eric: It's like the worst round of Multiball ever.
Nell: My flippers are in overdrive.
Kensi: I'm sorry. What?
Eric: Pinball.
Kensi: People still play that?
Eric: Where have you been? In a coma? ... Too soon, Eric.

A friend and an early mentor always used to say, 'A woman is like a teabag. You never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water.'
