Don't stop overthinking because overthinking is your thing.

Deeks [to Earl]

Wow! I've seen better interrogations on "The People's Court."


My mom would never get caught in anything less than a PT Cruiser. She drives one and she drives it hard.

Deeks [to Rhea]

You must be waiting for the Hanson reunion tour.

Rhea [to Deeks]

I have an idea what we can do together ... solve this case.

Fatima [to Kensi]

Fatima: Every time I go out there, a tiny piece of my soul dies.
Kensi: It's dating, not a war zone.

I suggest you meet me at work or Hetty will find an edgy and provocative way to fire you.

Eric [to Deeks]

Kensi: You're safe here now.
Patricia: I, unfortunately, have heard that line before.
Kensi: Hopefully, this time it sticks.

You say the FBI's got this. You sure about that?

Sam [to Rush]

Kensi: Audrey, what is it really like?
Rush: Best thing I've ever done.

We named him Cash because of how much money he's going to cost us.


Energy drinks all around. Especially for the big guy. He looks parched.

Fire Chief