If we're lucky, [Eric's] suffocated from his own vomit already.

Fake agent

Sam: Then why hasn't anyone heard of it?
Kensi: Maybe one of us has.

Not exactly my taste but 12-year-old me would have liked it.

Callen [to Sam]

I'm really digging the whole abandoned restaurant motif.

Eric [to his kidnappers]

You're talking to the wrong man. I live at the marina. I live for fog.

Sam [to Callen]

Eric is fine, is going to be fine. And you two are going to be fine.

Kensi [to Nell]

It's like interviewing a damn sloth.

SFPD officer

I'm getting the sense that you're still mad at me.


Is that [beer] made with real squid?

Sam [to Deeks]

Callen: You sure that's the right wire?
Sam: I'm sure.

Three-pointer for the mathlete!

Callen [to Sam]

Eric would be proud.
Nell. No. Eric would be jealous.
