Vance: As far as my children are concerned, their mother's father is long dead. Out of respect to Jackie I intend to keep it that way.
Addison: I suppose so. All I can ask is that you might change your mind. I can pay for their college tuition if you would reconsider.
Vance: My children are not for sale.

Ducky: Allow me to impart a little bit of wisdom that I have given to each and every aspiring agent before you, on this your probie eval day. Don't fret your number. Jethro gives low scores to push you.
Bishop: Wait. What?
Palmer: The lower your score, the more potential Gibbs thinks you have.
Bishop: So if you got a high score?
Ducky: Then, I would advise you to turn in your badge

Tony: You just have to move on. You made a mistake.
Bishop; A big mistake.
Gibbs: Learn from it. Move on.
Bishop: I will, Gibbs. Eventually.
Gibbs: Soon, Bishop. For your own good.

Gibbs: You want to make her sick?
Comey: It's stupid, I know, but I figured if I helped her feel better again, she might appreciate me more.
Bishop: That's not stupid at all.
Comey: The thing is, I'm still working on the whole cure part. I didn't want to get her sick without that. I'm not a monster, after all.

Vance: You got regrets, that's on you. But it's not up to me and my kids to make them go away.
Addison: Ain't that the truth. I apologize, Leon. You have yourself a happy holiday.

Tony: You know the "Men" in "Men's Room" is more of a rule than a suggestion, probie.
Bishop: Look, you two always get to go off giggling to the urinal together and I always get left out. So we're going to talk and we're going to do it here.

Palmer: I'm so not having kids.
Abby: Okay Jimmy. That does it. Excuse us, director, but something has gotten into Mr. Palmer, and I would like to get it out now.
Vance: Well don't let me interfere.

Life isn't always perfect, you know? But sometimes things would work out for the best if you just had faith.


Jackie Vance: So this is why you had to be in the office so early? Garfield shipped Nermal to the Kremlin again?
Leon Vance: Lasagna shortage in Damascus.

McGee: Lee Wuan Kai: North Korean assassin, one time fanatical nationalist, credited with 27 targeted hits in seven countries, dozens more by association -
Tony: She likes quiet walks on the beach, laughing with friends and playing Frisbee with her Cocker Spaniel Rufus.
Ziva: It does not say that.
Tony: Well it might as well.

Tony: He got a name?
Ziva: Who?
Tony: Star of David.
Ziva: Oh him, yes he has a name.
Tony: Trevor? Bruce? Marmaduke?
Ziva: Michael.
Tony: Um, he sounded more like a Bruce than a Michael on the phone.

His chest is bigger than Diane's.


NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?