Your love killed 13 people, Mary. Fire is not love. Fire is rage.


When does the white knight stop trying to save everybody? When he stops believing that everyone can be saved.


Here at the hospital, they heal bodies. Here on this ward, we heal souls.


Max: It's going to work.
Helen: I want it to, Max. I really want it to.
Max: And it will.

Look, I know your internships were a long, hard slog and you're probably thinking you see light at the end of the tunnel. I'm here to tell you, that's not a tunnel that's a train.


You don't build a good hospital with money. You build it with good people, and you have that in spades. I would love to work here.

Dr. Wilder

Brandon: It's not your problem, Dr. Bloom.
Lauren: Once your issues out there become problems in here, it's my job to fix it.

Max: Dr. Mezner are you surprised by all of the great changes we've been making lately?
Dr. Mezner: No, Dr. Goodwin, this isn't my surprised face, this is my I can't believe I have to shower everyday face.

Max: Hi. How was your flight?
Helen: Sad, upsetting. lonely.
Max: More joy. That's what I told myself. that's what I learned more than anything over these last 18 months. That's what I need. And that's you. You're my joy.
Helen: Did you find my replacement?
Max: No one can replace you. But I think I found someone who can replace me.
Helen: What?
Max: I'm going with you. More joy.

Max: I should go.
Helen: OK.
Max: Night.
Helen: Night.
Max: Night.
Helen: You said that.

Max: Do you wanna walk me and talk about your, mum, did I get that right?
Helen: I'm a little talked out at the moment.
Max: Yeah, me too.
Helen: Maybe too much was said already.
Max: Helen, can I just walk with you? We don't need to talk.

Karen: Max, look at me. She'd understand.
Max: I almost took it off. On the anniversary of her.
Karen: Why didn't you?
Max: Because when I look at Luna, I don't see Georgia anymore. I see my little girl. And when I look inside, Georgia isn't there either. That ring, it's our whole life.

New Amsterdam Quotes

Max: You were bloody magnificent last night. I just said bloody.
Helen: I can think of a better word under the circumstances.

Mina: Is this the guy you were dating.
Helen: What, no...
Max: Quick question, did you say were dating?