Best separated dads ever!


My dearest Max, if you toss this letter, rip it up, burn it, I won't blame you. I've done the same to countless versions. What I've done is unforgivable, to you, to our friends, to sweet Luna. It was never my intention. None of this is what I intended. Everything I ever said to you was true. Everything we had was real. But so was this thing that kept me in London, kept me from marrying you. I wish I knew what it was. I wish I could rip it out of me, obliterate it, so I can be with you. Because you deserve all the happiness in the world. I wish I had the explanation to help ease your pain, but none has come. All I have is the time that's passed and the desperate hope that it heals us both. Heals your heart. Heals your mind. Heals Luna and heals our friends. Max, you are beautiful and shimmering, and I was made better for being in your light. We all were. Please, don't lose your light. May it shine again even brighter than it did before. All my love, Helen.

Helen Voiceover

Max, I can't. I just can't. I"m so sorry, Max. I'm so sorry.


Iggy: I can't be who I am, I can't be who I want to be with you.
Martin: OK, um, then you should move out.

I need answers. I don't have any.


Panic is not an option, neither is hiding. You asked to lead, now lead.


Helen: Max, I don't know how to tell you this.
Max: Tell me what?
Helen: I don't want to get married in a castle. I don't now if I want any of it.
Max: I'm kind of thinking the same thing.
Helen: You are?
Max: I don't think I'm getting on that plane. I don't know if this is unexpected, and unplanned and everything we said we were going to do, but I've been waiting my whole life for you, and if this is it, if this is our time, then I don't want to wait another minute. Because in a minute, it could be gone. I'm not coming back to London, because you're coming home.
Helen: I am?
Max: Let's get married tomorrow, in New York. Wait, wait, we jus think about it. What do you need for a wedding, you need two people in love, and a couple of friends to witness it, and super cute flower girl who happens to be my daughter, our daughter.
Helen: Max.
Max: Is that a yes?
Helen: Yes!
Max: Can you say that again, please?
Helen: Yes, yes, yes!

Lauren: Leyla, this is a bad idea.
Leyla: I know.
Lauren: It is.
Leyla: You're right.
Lauren: So...
Leyla: So...

I am not the problem. You are.


Serwa: If you want to have your wedding here, then have your wedding here. Because you deserve everything.
Helen: I don't want my wedding here. I don't think I want a wedding at all.

You screw over a doctor, they leave. You screw over a patient, they die. You screw over a nurse, they stay because it's not a job, it's a calling. When does someone help you? This profession that you love does not love you back.


You mean well, I could tell, but I'd rather not be intimate again than talk about my sex life with strangers.


New Amsterdam Quotes

Max: You were bloody magnificent last night. I just said bloody.
Helen: I can think of a better word under the circumstances.

Mina: Is this the guy you were dating.
Helen: What, no...
Max: Quick question, did you say were dating?