I'm practicing my stunned expression as we speak.


It's like he's had a personality transplant. Now he's happy?


Once I get down from here I'm gonna find me some superpowers and whoop Jim's ass.


Just pick me up and drop me off like a cheap date.


Oh! You just made me feel all girly inside.

George [to Jim]

Like I always say, you make a mistake you have to live with the consequences. That's what I told Stephanie the day I walked her down the aisle.


Katie: It is an honor to meet you. After all, your womb was the gestation point for scientific greatness.
Stephanie: What a lovely, awkward compliment.

Jim: Perfect timing, George. Steph's parents showed up last night.
George: You mean satan's branch of the AARP?
Jim: That would be them.

He never gave me permission to marry you. If that's not showing his cards, I don't know what is.


JJ, looks like you and our Pekingese use the same barber.


JJ: I just want to let you know that your daughter tried to read the thoughts of a stray dog today.
Daphne: I just thought I could help him find his way home!

She must be really powerful because you're supposed to be stronger than a train.


No Ordinary Family Quotes

Stephanie: Who are you texting now?
Daphne: God.

I don't know why you guys can't go without me and just photo shop me in.
