Brooke: Is this thing even legal to take on roads?
Julian: Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.

Dan: She's pretty. I can see why Evans was sleeping with her.
Quinn: He wasn't.
Dan: That's too bad.

Dan: What can I help you with?
Quinn: Murder.

Haley: I loved spelling bees when I was your age.
Jamie: Yeah, Dad said you were a nerd.

Brooke: James Lucas Scott, are you drinking a beer?
Jamie: What kind of backyard hootenanny and pig roast would this be without it?

Brooke: I'm thankful you're such a good friend.
Haley: I'm thankful I got to watch you chug wine out of a bottle.

They're both great girls...amazing girls. But the truth is, I think they chose for me. I want to be with a girl who really wants to be with me. Not someone who lies to me, or broke up with me by text. I think I should just be by myself for a while.


Jamie: I am thankful for my baby brother.
Haley: Or sister.
Jamie: Whatever.

Victoria: But that table's for misfits.
Brooke: How perfect for you.

Victoria: Here we got with the typical Brooke dramatics.
Brooke: You want dramatic? There's a carving knife here I'm not afraid to use.

Don't worry Uncle Skills...that one is not farm fresh.


Skills: Oh, damn. I thought you was the turkey.
Millie: Gobble, gobble.

One Tree Hill Season 8 Quotes

This happens all the time. I sleep with a girl and then the next morning she's already planning the wedding.

Julian (to Brooke)

Haley: These aren't sad tears, they're happy tears.
Nathan: Alright, well how about from now on we do smiles for happy instead?