Yoga Jones: You're probably used to having your asshole polished by everyone you meet.
Judy: Oh, maybe 80%, 85%.

Maybe you should stop punishing yourself. I mean, what does a good mother do? A good mother does what's best for her children. And maybe what was best for your children was wipin' 'em out before they had to lead miserable f*cking lives.

Big Boo

God. This is the loneliest place I've ever been and I lived in a tree for eight months.


Why would anyone ever give up being a man? That's like winning the lottery and giving back the ticket.


Hey, you know who made up that never snitch bullshit? People who probably deserved to be snitched on.


I was there for Alex. She was what I paid attention to. Who I paid attention to. Everything else was just background


I like hot girls. And I like hot boys. I like hot people. What can I say? I'm shallow.


Lorna: How does that work, with you being a lady-man and all? Do you and his mother both celebrate the day?
Sophia: You really wanna be callin' me a lady-man when I got a fistful of your hair in my hand?
Lorna: Oh, I just thought it sounded nice. I don't know from these things. That's why I'm askin' questions.

Piper: She's a weird girl.
Poussey: Yeah "you gonna die" is really vague. Like totally open for interpretation.

You can only vote within your race or your group. Look, just pretend it's the 1950s. It's easier to understand.


If you ever want to go home, get that screwdriver back on that wall!


I am in here because I am no different from anybody else in here. I made bad choices. I committed a crime and being in here is no one's fault but my own.
