Honey, the most important thing you will ever do is raise your voice for what you believe in. That’s what your father and I were arguing about today and that’s what you need to do at that protest today.

Amy’s mom

Joe: I can help you. I will help you. I will take you to rehab. As someone who loves you, it is so hard…
Uncle Frank: Shut the hell up Joe! You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Dr. Banks: Once per a decade, I stop being a prick for a day to see if I can.
Joe: Thanks doc.

Joe: I chose to be the detective you always wanted me to be.
Uncle Frank: You did? Cause you rolled on the mayor’s best friend and you embarrassed the force, detective.

I’m a congresswoman.


I didn’t want to take this until you got here.


I’m a one people person and I only date people I like.


Music is in your soul, and what the world needs is more music.


Eric: Now don’t overthink this. You made a choice.
Joe: What if I made the wrong one?
Eric: You’re right. You could be at the lake with Jenny Banks, right?

Doesn’t it make you wonder how one simple choice can change your entire life?

Amy to Eric

We both know I’m not my dad and I’m never going to be my dad.

We’ve been best friends for four years and I know the last few months we blurred things and that wasn’t part of the plan.


Ordinary Joe Quotes

Jenny: Joe, when you get home tomorrow, can we talk?
Joe: Sure Jenny, what about?
Jenny: It's kind of an in-person thing.

Eric: Please tell me you're going to the beach with Jenny Banks.
Joe: It’s complicated.
Eric: No, it’s simple. You both have been doing this back and forth dance since college.