You're the only being foolish. If there's a pot of shite on to boil, ye stir like it's God's work.

Ian [to Jenny]

Took him an age to start livin' again, and now you're back no more than a week, and ye've killed a man, his print shop's razed to the ground, and he's on the run from the law.

Jenny [to Claire]

Stop it! The both of ye! Fightin' and ruttin' like wild beasts, and no carin' if the whole house hears ye!


Jamie: Do you know what it is to live twenty years wi'out a heart? To live half a man and accustom yourself to live in the bit that's left?
Claire: Do I know? Do I know how that feels? Yes, you bastard, I know!

Left you? Left *you*? You forced me to go back! I would have died gladly at Culloden with you. And now you want to blame me for that?


Claire: Perhaps we should tell her the truth.
Jamie: [scoffs] We say you traveled from another time, ye may as well convince her ye're a mermaid.

I would give up everything I have to be together again. Don't ya see? Since you left, I... I've been living in the shadows. And then you walked into the print shop, and... It was if the sun returned and cast out the darkness.


Christ. I'd forgotten how bloody rigid this century is. A woman is either a Madonna or a whore.


Claire: You have no idea what it's like to be a worried parent. You're not the boy's father, Jamie.
Jamie: No. I'm Brianna's father. But I didna get to raise her, did I?

Claire: And you just lied.
Jamie: Aye. And you shouldna judge me for it. Have you forgotten about all the deceptions we've colluded in? Yeeah, we lied our way through Paris, did we not? Did we not just lie to Ian about where ye've been for the past 20 years?
Claire: A white lie to conceal something Ian can't possibly understand--
Jamie: Oh I didna realize lies had shades.

Ian: It is you lass. We thought you were --
Claire: I know. I know what Jamie told you. He thought I'd died in the aftermath of Culloden.
Ian: Jenny and I...we grieved over ye for years.

Young Ian: How old were you when--
Fergus. Fifteen. A ménage à trois.
Young Ian: A what?
Fergus: Two women and one moi.
Young Ian: Christ.
Fergus: It was a rather religious experience.