Toby: Happy, I just, um, I love you.
Happy: For once you're tongue tied, so I guess I'll go. I'm a mechanical genius, which means I understand in my mind and my heart how parts work together. That's why I love machines - a bolt and a wrench, a chain and gear. They just make sense to me. They fit. For a long time, I didn't feel like I fit anywhere, until I met you. And I knew then, just like I know how to assemble engines, that you and me, Toby, we fit. You're my home.

Happy: Cabe, I need something borrowed. Can I borrow you?
Cabe: For what?
Happy: Walk me down the aisle.
Cabe: Sweetheart, it's my honor.

Happy: Why'd you do it?
Paige: Well, I know I disappeared on you guys when Walter let me go, but the truth is, like Toby said, we're family. It's hard for me to be away from you all, so I thought it'd be easier to cut ties. I was wrong. This is how I'm saying, "I'm sorry."

Walter: I need you to tell Paige something. Tell her I'm sorry that I was wrong.
Cabe: You listen to me, son! One: you're going to get out of here. And two: if you've got something you need to tell Paige, you need to man up and tell her yourself!

Happy, I can't marry you if you're blown to pieces!


You know that you weren't dismissed from the rest of us, right? You kind of ditched us.


I had to propose twice, and fight immigration services, and wait for a divorce to get to this day.


Walter: Is something wrong?
Ralph: Other than the fact you fired my mom?
Walter: I didn't fire her. Her skillset was needed anymore because she was so good at her job that everyone at Scorpion evolved.
Sly: Cabe! Happy is chasing me with raw meat!
Walter: More or less.
Ralph: You're forgetting one thing: I'm smarter than you, and I know why you fired my mom. Because you're a coward who can't face how he feels about her.
Walter: Ralph you're just a kid, you can't understand.
Ralph: I understand that today is about Happy and Toby, so we're done talking. And you're lucky I'm a kid. If I was bigger, I'd fight you. You hurt my mother.

Walter: He's trying to fit into his wedding tux.
Cabe: The wedding's tonight, just get a bigger size.
Walter: He refuses to. Happy saw Ryan Duckling wearing a tux like that in a movie poster.
Toby: It's Gosling, and she lingered. She likes the threads.
Cabe: You ever think she lingered on Gosling?

Walter: Your services are no longer required at Scorpion.
Paige: I'm sorry, what?
Walter: You've done your job, incredibly well, so it's time for a new challenge.

Have you considered that you weren't lying to Walter when you told him you loved him? Perhaps it worked because his brain processed it as a fact. Please just think about it.


I don't want our relationship to die like our plants in the biodome.


Scorpion Quotes

Sly: I could have ingested a toxin!
Ralph: Why don't you ingest an ice tea and calm down?

Toby: Low pair's a bad hand.
Happy: I'm about to smack a bad hand into your low pair.