Elliot: Okay, yes! J.D. and I work together! But it's not like we're crazy close! I mean, it's not like we have all these inside jokes! And we definitely don't do this...
The phone rings until the answering machine picks up.
J.D.: Good evening, Elliot! This is your great aunt Sally. Are you there?
Elliot: I have to get that.
Sean: Nuh-uh.
J.D.: I guess you're at Sean's. Hey, good thing we're so crazy close, or I wouldn't know how to impersonate your aunt Sally! By the way, I ran into Eye Patch this morning - said to tell you, "Honka! Honka!
Elliot busts out laughing.
Elliot: It's just an inside... joke.

Scrubs Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Troy: Ooh! Your face is red! Like a strawbrerry!
J.D.'s Narration: Pride's a funny thing...
Janitor: Don't have kids.

Dr. Kelso: So, shall we all just agree that Dr. Steadman is our new residency director and get the hell out of here?
Dr. Steadman: If anyone wants to stop by my condo to celebrate, my husband made sangria!
Dr. Kelso: Mmmmmmmm!
Dr. Cox: Howdy, fellas. Don't ya-don't ya dare get up - I don't want to see any broken hips.