Lucy: Morning sunshine. You look rested. Wow, and making time for the paper, that must be nice. Later you munch.
Elliot: Did she call me a butt munch?
Drew: She didn't use the word munch, but I can't think of any other prominent type of munch, so yeah I think she called you a butt munch.

Turk: If you were on a desert island what three CDs would you bring?
Drew: Motorhead, Metallica and the original cast recording of Wicked. I staged managed the Midwestern leg of the '05 tour and yes, Kristin Chenowith is a delight.

The chops are awesome. I pounded down eleven them, gristle and all. And I'm a vegetarian. But the baby? Carnivore.


Denise: So, you and me. We're gonna have a stupid jar. Everytime you say something stupid, we're gonna put a nickel in that jar and when it gets nice and full, we're going to beat you with it.
Cole: Dude, how much fun is she in the sack?
Drew: More scary than fun.

Lucy: I have nine thousand things to do today, go back to sleep.
Cole: Girl once you wake up the troops you gotta storm the beach.
Lucy: You are actually on my to do list.

Lucy: Great class, Doctor D! Even better than the one you did with interpretive dance.
J.D.: Thanks, Lucy. I like to call it "teacher-tainment". Now, be a doll and go give Dr. Turk a message ASAP. Tell him Dr. Dorian is stuck in the tree again, but this time there are many bees. Hurry, Lucy, I have honey hair!

Okay class, with the exception of number one here, today's assignment is to drop out of medical school. Your parents' money would be better spent stuffed into garbage bags and shot into the sun.

Dr. Cox

Denise: I'm sorry, white bread, I'm not really looking for a protegé slash suckup.
Lucy: Dr. Mahoney, I am not sucking up! If I were sucking up, I would tell you how much I like your shoes... which I do, by the way! They're mannish, but flirty, like, "Hey boys, come and watch me build a deck."

Ted: Dr. Cox, did you hear that I'm quitting?
Dr. Cox: I did, Ted, and I don't know how to pretend to care.
Ted: Understandable.
Dr. Kelso: Theodore, I always figured that someday we'd just find you dead in your office.
Ted: Yeah, that was the dream.

Cole: Hey, you got any of those weiner pills?
Kelso: Who do you think you're talking to son? I'll give you one for $10.
Cole: You got change for a $20?
Kelso: Nope. [takes money] We'll drop a couple of these bad boys and go trolling for ladies at the airport bar.
Cole: Will you be my grandpa?

J.D.: They need me.
Cox: Do they? I remember not holding your smooth, baby hands and you didn't turn out that bad.

There's my big box of failure. Oh Santa, you got my letters you fat bastard.

Dr. Cox

Scrubs Season 9 Quotes

Don't smell people, it's weird.

Denise [to Lucy]

Thank you so much for making mommies boobs so big, they're almost juggs.

J.D. [to Elliot's belly]