When you feel a full chub poking you in the back, the meaning's pretty clear!


Frank: Giving or receiving?
Jody: Never receiving, always destroying.

Doing things you don't wanna do is how you make a relationship work.


Carl: What's that smell?
Counselor: Fresh air.

Challenges foster growth!


I just wish you'd given me a heads up before I went with the whole whore thing. I don't want our kids first impression of you to be that you're a whore.


I know school was never you thing, but you've never been dumb.

Fiona [to Kev]

Asking him to pick me over them is asking me to change the thing I loved the most.


He snapped it falling in the bathtub falling like an old Florida jew.


She is a crazy bitch and not crazy bitch like you're a crazy bitch "oh bitch you're so crazy," no she once tried to beat me to death with a frozen bitch because I asked if there was more broccoli.


Kick ass, take names...and don't blow anyone.


When you grow up in this house you think nothing could shock you anymore but then...what is it with men and their Johnsons?


Shameless Quotes

Everytime she pees on the stick it's bad news and then I get depressed thinking about my husband banging my mom cause we selfishly wanna have a baby with some of our DNA.


Gus: See you at two.
Fiona: Wouldn't miss it.