Reno: I can just picture Tilly’s face when she finds out we got sucked into a wormhole three days after she left.
Saru: I miss her too, Commander.

Great intellect can be costly.


Tarka: Great science was never accomplished with caution.
Reno: I’m not sure that’s actually true.

Culber: Well, I can’t just stop. Not now, anyway. It’s what I do. It’s who I am.
Kovich: It’s the way you escape the persistent guilt of being alive.

Kovich: What do you need?
Culber: Well, you’re familiar with my duties as ship’s counselor. And I saw how you were with Georgiou when she was in crisis. So…
Kovich: You need brutal honesty. Noted. We now have eight and a half minutes.

Look, you may not like me, but I love me. And I am not going to let this experiment blow me up, which means, by extension, that your ship will be fine too.


Kovich: You died. You died and came back to life. Little wonder you’re a mess. Your file is stunningly generic as to your feelings on this rather unique fact of your existence, so allow me to fill in some blanks. ‘Why me?’ It’s the question you ask yourself every morning and every evening. No one else gets a second chance so why me? That led you to the idea that there was a reason for your survival, a purpose you’re meant to fulfill, right here, right now. And that led you to a savior complex because if there is no reason, if there is no purpose, then your very existence is a middle finger to anyone who has ever lost someone. Which is everyone. How’s that for brutal honesty?
Culber: Do you have a recommendation to go along with that sparkling analysis?
Kovich: Whether or not you are a miracle, Dr. Culber, you are only human.

Book: You know who’s behind the DMA, don’t you?
Tarka: You say that with such confidence.
Book: A man only gets as close as you did when he has some idea what’s over the cliff.

Tarka: So much anger. No place to put it.
Book: You don’t know me.
Tarka: No, but I know anger. It’s a wonderfully productive emotion.

Stamets: Maybe that’s why I fell in love with you. We have the same pathology.
Culber: Making you either a total narcissist or a glutton for punishment.
Stamets: A little Column A, a little Column B.

Stamets: How do I work with someone who has zero respect for professional courtesy?
Culber: Let it roll off you. There are bigger things at stake here.

I need to remind you that wherever you find a new home, you’ll be arriving as a refugee, seeking shelter and grace. I hope you find a more just society than the one you had a hand in creating.


Star Trek: Discovery Quotes

I am neither one for following orders nor giving them. The solar winds are my mistress and I follow her wherever she beckons.


Burnham: Words aren't enough, are they? Nine hundred and thirty years.
Saru: I trust that what matters most will have endured.