Stamets: Tarka is a genius, no question. But he scares me, too. He is so single-minded about his work. He cares about literally nothing else.
Culber: Hm.
Stamets: Actually feels a little familiar.

Burnham: They need to be evacuated immediately.
Magistrate: Why? They’re criminals. Six offenders chosen to demonstrate the costs of misbehavior. An Emerald Chain tradition. It has proven most effective in preventing crime.
Book: Doesn’t matter who they are. They don’t deserve to die there.

I need to remind you that wherever you find a new home, you’ll be arriving as a refugee, seeking shelter and grace. I hope you find a more just society than the one you had a hand in creating.


Stamets: Maybe that’s why I fell in love with you. We have the same pathology.
Culber: Making you either a total narcissist or a glutton for punishment.
Stamets: A little Column A, a little Column B.

Kovich: What do you need?
Culber: Well, you’re familiar with my duties as ship’s counselor. And I saw how you were with Georgiou when she was in crisis. So…
Kovich: You need brutal honesty. Noted. We now have eight and a half minutes.

Culber: It might be a good idea to clear your mind before you make any choices.
Tilly: That is exactly the problem. My mind doesn't clear.

T'Rina: Ni'Var has endured without the Federation for a century. We will continue to do so.
Burnham: Madam President, there is a difference between enduring and thriving.

Kwejian was one of the most beautiful places in the known galaxy. Its loss is devastating, profound. And you won't heal the way you would've before. You will never feel of kwethlumkwe again.


T'Rina: Is trust of another's commitment to a shared goal enough despite the scars of history?
Saru: Trust is a journey.

You weigh questions of politics. I weigh questions of place, purpose. With such uncertainty as we are all experiencing, I'm finding it much more challenging than I had anticipated.


Burnham: You're letting past mistakes define [your] future.
T'Rina: Logic dictates that the lessons we learn should inform our choices.
Burnham: Choices are never purely logical, are they? There's always emotions.

When Discovery first arrived, no one here trusted you. It wasn't just that you were in a nine-hundred-and-thirty-year-old starship and had never heard of the Burn. It was the way you carried yourself, like you grew up in a world that believes anything is possible. Quite frankly, it stung.


Star Trek: Discovery Quotes

I am neither one for following orders nor giving them. The solar winds are my mistress and I follow her wherever she beckons.


Burnham: Words aren't enough, are they? Nine hundred and thirty years.
Saru: I trust that what matters most will have endured.