Rok: Dal and the admiral need to go… out there.
Dal/Janeway: You mean you want me to exit a starship, go to the middle of a warp bubble, and make physical contact with my own body? Listen, I was once transformed into a salamander. Nothing can be as difficult as that. Let’s do it!

Computer, turn everything off. Let the darkness take me.


Zero: Welcome to the headquarters of the Cellar Door Society, purveyors of puzzling puzzles, amateur sleuthing, and milk toast mysteries.
Jankom: Yeah, this is a hard pass.

Gwyn: Did anyone else just see a feral human suffering from malnutrition strolling around on our ship?
Jankom: No, but some odd-looking glittery puffball is giving me… kissy-lips?

Gwyn: Let’s pop this blow stand.
Dal: I don’t think that’s how it goes.

This does make me feel a lot better, but what sort of lunatic would whip cream?


We can’t go in. They won’t come out. Whatever trouble they’re in, they’ve locked us out.

Vice Admiral Janeway

Gwyn: Don’t take it personal. He’s still sensitive about the augment thing.
Dal: The augment thing? Forgive me if I need more than a day to come to terms with being a failed genetic experiment. Not that any of you care.
Jankom: Uh, you’re not the only one on this ship with a sob story.
Dal: Well, who can top that?
Gwyn: Is your father hunting you down?
Dal: So maybe Gwyn has me beat.

We each have things in our past we wish to forget. Some more than others.


We gave up our lives, our futures, our identities to protect Solum. Lone soldiers with singular purpose.

The Vindicator

The Diviner: I spent twenty years searching. I thought I wasn’t going to live long enough to see it.
The Vindicator: So you defied the order and made a progeny. You had to ensure the mission was completed. But tell me, why did she betray us?
The Diviner: She met a boy.

Rok: I’d prefer to hear more of your stories. We never heard from you, Jankom.
Gwyn: You are the most miserable of the lot. I bet you have an interesting story.

Star Trek: Prodigy Quotes

Drednok: Prisoner Dal Ar-El. What species are you?
Dal: Wow. Getting personal, borderline inappropriate.

Sorry, didn't quite catch that. You'll have to... chirp... a little slower.
