Rok: Why do you have pointy ears?
Dal: [in a Vulcan voice] The logical assumption would be, when maxing out my dermal implant, I inadvertently activated all of my dormant DNA at once. ARGH! [in a Klingon, maybe Tellarite voice] And Dal R’El would do it all over again, knowing I had to compete with that Man-Chop, Okona!
Gwyn: Just tell me this isn’t permanent.

Dal: Guys, I hate to bother you, but either I’m sensing more trouble or a third arm is about to come out!
Rok: [gasps] We have to get him to sickbay!

Zero: Denaxi Depot, only major transportation hub in this sector.
Gwyn: A haven for smugglers and anyone wishing to disappear.
Dal: We should fit right in.

Okana: This baby goes all the way up to Warp 4.
Pog: Did he say four? Awwww… he thinks his ship is fast.

Rok: Those are dark nimbostratus clouds. We better get a move on so we don’t get stuck in that storm.
Pog: Huh. What are you, a meteorologist now?
Rok: Maybe I am!

Zero: He drives a hard bargain, but he is desperate.
Okana: I don’t usually negotiate with mind-readers, but fine.

The real me is hunting us with a quantum slipstream Dauntless-class starship? Good luck with that.

Hologram Janeway

If you get into a pinch, look up the real Janeway. I’m sure she’ll find you as promising as I do.

Hologram Janeway

I haven’t seen the Xindi this spicy since my last dash through the Neutral Zone. You sure you’re not smugglers?


Hologram Janeway: How long was I out? I want to hear everything of your adventures.
Dal: Over before they started.
Rok: Yeah, didn’t go great.
Pog: The worst.
Okana: Hel-lo, there.
Hologram Janeway: Huh?

Dal: They maybe think we blew up that relay station and kidnapped the last crew’s captain, oh, who happens to be a close friend of the admiral’s.
Rok: So, ALL of you talked to Starfleet, but NO ONE told them about the deadly weapon? The whole reason we left our ship? Come on, guys!

Okana: What is this? Is this Warp 4?
Pog: Hahaha! Warp 4? This, my friend, is Warp 9.97. Hold onto your butt, pal.

Star Trek: Prodigy Quotes

Drednok: Prisoner Dal Ar-El. What species are you?
Dal: Wow. Getting personal, borderline inappropriate.

Sorry, didn't quite catch that. You'll have to... chirp... a little slower.
