Pruitt: I need you to come back, son. Come back to Seattle. Be in Andy’s life again. Be there for her when I go.
Ryan: I love her, Pruitt.
Pruitt: I know that too.
Ryan: I have a girlfriend, and Andy has her whole thing going on.
Pruitt: You want some advice from an old firefighter? Always tell the girl. Tell her how you feel. You don’t want to get to be my age with no time left and wishing you’d told her. Just tell the girl you love her.

Maya: Gotta say, today feels like a fries and milkshake after shift day. Fries and beers? Whiskey and beers?
Andy: Can you … can you stop?
Maya: Stop what?
Andy: Trying to pretend like this perky cheerleading thing you’re doing isn’t because I watched Ryan die.
Maya: I’m not. I’m just trying to figure out what you need.
Andy: What I need is for just one friend -- one -- to not look at me like you’re looking at me right now. One friend to just sit next to me and let me talk or not talk or cry or not cry and not have an opinion about it. One friend, that’s all I need. Can you be that friend?
Maya: Yeah, I can be that friend.

Dean: Whatever favor you need, the answer is no.
Vic: Acutally, I’m here to do you a favor. I am setting you up on a date with an amazing woman.
Dean: The last woman you set me up with stole my car and my identity. I’m still getting weird magazine subscriptions.
Vic: All right, remember Maggie Pierce, hottie heart surgeon at Grey Sloan.
Dean: She has a boyfriend.
Vic: Had. Her boyfriend is now kinda my boyfriend.
Dean: Avery was Maggie’s boyfriend?
Vic: Whatever, it’s weird. We’re moving through it. Come to this party with me.
Dean: At the hospital?
Vic: No, but there will be a lot of doctors there. It’s at their house.
Dean: Whose house?
Vic: Jackson and Maggie’s parents’ house.
Dean: Their parents …
Vic: Are married to each other.
Dean: Jackson and Maggie have the same parents?
Vic: No, OK, Jackson’s mom is married to Maggie’s biological father, who she didn’t know until pretty recently, but whatever man, there’s no relation. And I really, I really need you to focus Miller.
Dean: Nah.

Andy: Is it everything you dream of?
Sullivan: I think you should take some time …
Andy: I don’t want time. I want to work. I need to work.
Sullivan: You suffered a trauma. You lost a friend.
Andy: I’m aware of what I’ve suffered and what I’ve lost.
Sullivan: I know what Ryan meant …
Andy: Can I work or not? Respectfully, Capt. Sullivan …
Sullivan: Battalion chief.
Andy: Chief Sullivan, I need to be at work. I’m saying please.

Andy: It’s getting late. Can you stay over?
Ryan: I thought your dad said I couldn’t do that anymore.
Andy: Ugh, he doesn’t get to tell me what to do.
Ryan: He kinda does.
Andy: Um, no excuse you, I’m 20, almost 21. Soon it won’t be a misdemeanor when I have a beer.
Ryan: I’m almost 21 too, so if you add us up, we’re like 41, 42, old.

Station 19 Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Andy: Is it everything you dream of?
Sullivan: I think you should take some time …
Andy: I don’t want time. I want to work. I need to work.
Sullivan: You suffered a trauma. You lost a friend.
Andy: I’m aware of what I’ve suffered and what I’ve lost.
Sullivan: I know what Ryan meant …
Andy: Can I work or not? Respectfully, Capt. Sullivan …
Sullivan: Battalion chief.
Andy: Chief Sullivan, I need to be at work. I’m saying please.

Andy: It’s getting late. Can you stay over?
Ryan: I thought your dad said I couldn’t do that anymore.
Andy: Ugh, he doesn’t get to tell me what to do.
Ryan: He kinda does.
Andy: Um, no excuse you, I’m 20, almost 21. Soon it won’t be a misdemeanor when I have a beer.
Ryan: I’m almost 21 too, so if you add us up, we’re like 41, 42, old.