You respect Jesus but not us?!


Tell whoever approved this that your face is a present from me to them. Show them your face. Show it to them.


Philip: You've always done exactly what they've told us to do. I was trying to get you to think. Yes. To ask questions. To be a human being about us.
Elizabeth: You don't think I'm a human being?!
Philip: That's not what I'm saying. I would do anything for you. I always did. I just did. But not anymore. You do whatever you want, but please, some of these things? We believed in something so big. They tell us what to do and we do it, I get it, that's how it works. But we do it, not them, so it's on us. All of it.

I don't know how to say this, but I think there's a chance Renee might be one of us. But I'm not sure.


Has she had you for breakfast, Stan?

Agent Gaad

Claudia: You think I owe you an apology?
Elizabeth: I think you owe me more than an apology.

I'm sure she'll love it.


You can do this, Nina. We can do this."


They don't care. They don't care what happens to any of us.


I told them you liked it here too much.


Philip: The boy? Is he real?
Irina: Only duty and honor are real, Misha. Isn't that what we were told?

Elizabeth: I've been thinking about you. About us. I miss you. ... Are you there?
Philip: Yeah, I'm still here.
Elizabeth: Come home.

The Americans Quotes

Interrogator: There will be no spy trades under this president.
Philip: I'm not a spy.

We will find this traitor and put a bullet in his head.
