Stan: What about Burov? The fact that he's here while all this shit's going down?
Aderhold: We haven't forgotten about him.

So Mexico, everything, it was all to get rid of Gorbachev.


Elizabeth: I won't do it.
Claudia: I can't make you do anything. But, Elizabeth, keep quite. After all these years serving your country, don't throw it all away now.

Elizabeth: I need to talk to your guy.
Philip: What? Why?
Elizabeth: Just tell me how to get in touch with him.

Philip: Wait. This came in while you were out. Father Andre.
Elizabeth: I can't. You meet him. Maybe he'll give you absolution.

Stan: Is there anything I should know about the Jennings, as an FBI agent? Anything about them that concerns you?
Father Tim: Well, I'm not sure what you're looking for, but I've always been impressed with them. Paige is a very dedicated and thoughtful young woman. Always so helpful with the church. Philip and Elizabeth weren't members of the church, but I know they love Paige.
Stan: So nothing else.
Father Tim: Not really?

Aderholt: You OK?
Stan: Yeah.
Aderholt: What's goin' on?
Stan: I know this sounds crazy, but I can't get this out of my head. You know Philip and Elizabeth? When I first met them, you know I was working on the Debenschmidt thing. Philip and Elizabeth drove the same make and model of car that was seen near where he was kidnapped. Different license but, I know. It's stupid, right? I know. I forgot about it after that. But the way she rushed out at Thanksgiving and he left the next day right when everything was going down in Chicago? They left their kid here alone. Who does that? Over Thanksgiving?

Philip and Elizabeth Jennings are not Russian spies.


Oleg [whispering]: People in the KGB are trying to get rid of Gorbachev. This is what I've been doing here. We have reason to believe that they are trying to make a move right now at the summit. The message, the dead drop, is probably about that. If it is...
Stan: If?
Oleg: They need to get it, and you need to help me get it there. I can tell you how.

Claudia: I thought I knew you.
Elizabeth: You lied to me. If you knew me, you'd know never to lie to me.

And you? What's left for you now? Your house? Your American kids? Philip?


Philip: Henry should stay. He's been doing so well there. His future is here.
Elizabeth: Leave him? Is that what you mean?
Philip: It's the best thing for him.
Elizabeth: To be alone? Away for us? That would not be the best thing for him.
Philip: He belongs here.
Elizabeth: He belongs with us!
Philip: We're doing it for him.
Elizabeth: Philip. They would tear him to pieces.
Philip: He doesn't know anything. This is where he grew up. It's awful but...
Elizabeth: [chokes back a sob]

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The Americans Quotes

Interrogator: There will be no spy trades under this president.
Philip: I'm not a spy.

We will find this traitor and put a bullet in his head.
