Flash: You died!
Reverse Flash: Good to know. And guess what Flash? I know what time period you're from. And that means that very soon, you will die.

Harry: What did you see?
Cisco: Reverse Flash. He's here.

Captain: Nice to meet ya, Wally. Your pops here is a hell of a detective.
Wally: Obviously not.

Patty: I can't figure you out, Barry Allen.
Barry: That's because I work hard to hide who I really am.

Well, West Family 2.0 is not really off to a great start.


Barry: I have spent most of my life feeling very unlucky.
Patty: Yeah, and now?
Barry: It feels like I've been struck by lightning twice.

Harry: Your toys? Give them to me.
Kid: Mommmm!

  • Permalink: Mommmm!
  • Added:

Who taught him how to be a man, Barry? Him! I can't even say his name. What have I done?


Captain Cold: Sorry, I'm not interested in being a hero.
Barry: You're doing a lousy job of being a villain this week.
Captain Cold: Merry Christmas, Barry.

Cocoa isn't cocoa without the mini marshmallows, and you're out. I checked.

Captain Cold

Barry: So the last time Mardon attacked, he generated a tidal wave that destroyed all of Central City.
Harry: So why are you not all sleeping with the fishes?
Cisco: Earth 2 has The Godfather?
Harry: Every Earth has The Godfather, Vito.

Jay: Barry's not the only person here I want to keep safe.
Cisco: Oh dear Lord. Just kiss already! Oh, the thirst is real.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
