It represents to me that people with lots of money buy dumb stuff.

Heat Wave

Heat Wave: You promised me I'd get to do my thing.
Captain Cold: I always keep my promises. Seat belt.

Joe: Whew! Day like today, Grandma Esther's eggnog seems a little light on the bourbon.
Cisco: Hey Joe?
Joe: Hmm?
Cisco: I saw something weird tonight.
Joe: Yeah, I saw something, too.
Cisco: No, I mean when The Flash and the man in yellow were going full on bumper cars on each other, I was watching the electricity coming off of them. Yellow and red electricity. When he was a kid, Barry said he saw red and yellow lightening in his house the night his mother died.
Joe: There were two of them.
Cisco: The man in yellow may have killed Barry's mother, but there was another speedster there that night.

Barry: I mean the truth is, I'm stuck her in Central City. Fear has kept me in that living room for 14 years. Joe, I, I was mad at you for being scared. But, the truth is I was the one who was scared. I've been afraid of the man in yellow for my whole life. That's why I lost.
Joe: When you first moved in with us, I thought it was going to be too much. I was already a single dad, finances were tough and you were a little boy who just lost his mother. But, man, I was wrong. Within two weeks you changed the whole dynamic of the house. Suddenly the house was filled with this light, this energy. I mean, you brightened up everything. You've seen more darkness than any man will in a lifetime and you never let it dim your soul. So there I was thinking that I'm changing your life by taking you in, but the truth is, you changed mine. So don't lose that light, now, Bar. The world may need The Flash, but I need my Barry Allen. Let's go home.

Eddie: Why did it not kill me?
Joe: I don't know, Eddie.
Eddie: But you know more than you've been telling me.
Joe: They're called metahumans.
Eddie: Metahumans.
Joe: People with very powerful abilities. You and me are the only guys on the force who know what's really going on and we need to keep it that way so nobody else gets hurt. Can you do that?
Eddie: [node] And The Flash? Do you know who he is?
Joe: Yeah, I do. He's the guy that saved both of our lives tonight.

Harrison: The reason I know all this is because your powers are almost exactly the same as The Flash!
Yellow: Well, I'm not like The Flash at all. Some would say I'm the reverse.

Barry: I love you, Iris.
Iris: Oh. I love you, too.
Barry: When we were kids I loved you before I even know what the word love meant and then my mom died and I had to go live with the girl I had a crush on. Look. There were so many times I wanted to tell you; Jr. Prom, when I went away to college, when I came back from college, nights that we stayed up talking, all the birthdays, all the Christmases, but I, I never did. I kept it in. After I lost my mom and my dad, I was afraid that if you didn't feel the same way, I would lose you, too. That's the irony. I was so scared of losing you that I did. I know I've had our whole lives to tell you this and you're with Eddie now and I know that and I know my timing couldn't be any worse, but I just... I couldn't lie to you anymore. I'm sorry.

Well let it go now, Barry. Hear me now. The man in the yellow suit, he's taken enough from us already. Don't let him take anymore.


Cicso: Caitlin, don't worry. Hey. Now that we know he's out there, we will find Ronnie again.
Caitlin: Why? So we can throw him in there with all the other metahuman psychos?

Joe: Look, Barry, me and Dr. Wells have spoken and we think it would be best if you weren't here for this.
Barry: What are you talking about?
You're too close to this.
Barry: Well maybe you're not close enough! If you hadn't been too scared and warned me that he was here weeks ago, I would have been prepared for this.
Harrison: I think we can all appreciate Joe's concern for Iris, Barry.
Barry: That's why I have to be here! I'm the best chance at catching this guy!
Joe: Not in this state.
Barry: This man stabbed my mother through the heart and sent my father to prison for it. This is MY fight!
Joe: Not today, son.

I see why Dr. Wells holds you in such high esteem, Mr. Allen. You're very much alike.

Dr. McGee

It is your destiny to lose to me, Flash, just as it was your mother's destiny to die that night.

The Yellow Blur

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
