You just stay out of my way, Flash. And I'll stay out of yours. I have unfinished business to attend to. And a whole world to liberate.


You are Barry. I know it in my heart. And I'm willing to bet my life on it. Now go get Iris back.


Run Iris, run!


Oh, thank Elsa.


Cisco: Polar bear's a little on the nose, don't you think?
Ralph: Well it's not like the stores have a "Get well soon from dual light-assassin attack" card.

Look at all the clues. Okay, I mean, she speaks Italian all of a sudden. She smashed a bottle over some guy's head. She made incredible pancakes. Cecile, trust me, Iris can't make pancakes, alright? But the biggest clue was her throwing me out. The real Iris would never stop fighting for us.


Iris isn't Iris.


Look Iris, I'm barely hanging on. I can't catch my breath. I'm getting dizzy. My feet are numb. My fingers tingle. It feels like with every step I take I'm getting ripped in two. All I can think about is if I'll be fast enough tomorrow to save another life.


Singh: Joe West is out of the way as requested. Success is assured.
Eva: Good. If anyone's going to make my husband pay for what he did, it's going to be me.

Lady: How do you two know each other? Are you married?
Ralph and Sue: Gross.

Carver: It even sounds like you're saying I hired someone to pop out of a box to assassinate you.
Joe: I didn't say that Rag Doll popped out of a box.
Carver: Damn. And I was doing so well.

Cisco: I'm not sure you know how hacking works.
Ralph: Please. I've seen You've Got Mail several times.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
