Janet you did it! You brought us into your void! If I had a heart it would be pounding!


You made a really hot centaur.


How are you this close to being dragged to hell and still horny?


Martin was a lot of things. A snail mostly, but also a friend. Martin taught us about life, about love, and about the limits of scotch tape.


When is the right time to tell someone you were passionate lovers in an alternate timeline in the afterlife but he doesn't remember because technically none of that happened in this strand of the multi-verse.


My screwed up relationship with my parents made me believe I could never really love anyone. I need to see it for myself.


This is a defense mechanism Eleanor. You saw yourself fall in love with Chidi, and it freaked you out to see yourself be so vulnerable. So you're using determinism to convince yourself that those feelings were not real.


No matter what he does, we will find each other. And we will help each other. Because we're soulmates.


Jason: Dude, we can get mythical animals? Maybe I'll get a penguin!
Eleanor: Penguins are real.
Jason: That's the spirit, Eleanor. They're real to me too.

If you don't accept my apology I will smash your stupid art exhibit into bits!


In one of the reboots you and Chidi fell in love. Deeply. And you told him that you loved him and he told you that he loved you back.


I'm going to hug you because I love you. And because you feel just as alone as I do.


The Good Place Quotes

There really is an afterlife. I can't wait to have breakfast with Kant, and lunch with Michel Foucault, and then have dinner with Kant again so we can talk about what came up at breakfast!


It's a rare occurrence, like a double rainbow, or someone on the internet saying, "You know what? You've convinced me I was wrong."
