Eleanor: Dude, what were you thinking?!
Tahani: I just wanted to be useful. All I ever get to do here is throw parties, which is all I ever got to do back on Earth and now I've ruined everything.

Eleanor: Do you trust me, Chidi?
Chidi: Yes. I really do.

Hi, Janet. It's me, Jason. Your boyfriend. I really miss you. I know we were in a fight before, but I hope you've forgiven me because I love you...girl.


Wait, can I have all my memories back again? I forgot most of them.


Babe, the dodos in that house are literally the four most important human beings in the universe. I wanted you to take care of them because I trust you.


Jason: Michael, I'm scared.
Michael: Me too, bud.
Jason: I mean, what if all this time apart has changed me and Janet's relationship? What if that special connection is gone?
Michael: Yeah. I mean, for me it's scary that we're standing in the birthplace of evil, surrounded by billions of demons who want to destroy us.
Jason: Mm. I guess we both have things we're scared about.

They said everyone in the Bad Place was evil and beyond repair. I don't know if I believe that anymore.


Eleanor: So to recap: You found out the Bad Place made a Michael suit, freaked out, didn't tell us why, and then later you lied to me about why you freaked out?

It's more than that. You guys will never look at me the same way again. I won't just be Michael. I'll be some disgusting mess of burning tentacles.


Michael said there's nothing he could say that would make you realize he's really him, but Janet does have a thing she can say that does make me realize she is really not her.


I went too far. And what's worse...I liked it. Because I'm angry at him for leaving me. Which isn't even remotely fair because he sacrificed himself for us, but I'm still angry he abandoned me. Which makes me feel guilty, which makes me angry, which makes me want to talk to Chidi because he's the person I go to when I'm angry. So, it's a real fun cycle.


If all you care about in the world is the velvet rope you will always be unhappy no matter what side you're on. You and I are proof of that.


The Good Place Quotes

There really is an afterlife. I can't wait to have breakfast with Kant, and lunch with Michel Foucault, and then have dinner with Kant again so we can talk about what came up at breakfast!


It's a rare occurrence, like a double rainbow, or someone on the internet saying, "You know what? You've convinced me I was wrong."
