Ok, This is what I need. Use your decoder ring and your West Wing tweets to tell the PAC to stop these homophobic robo calls.


Lemond Bishop: Why does it take you eight rings to answer?
Kalinda: I was in court sir, do you need something?

I hate people. I love mankind but I hate people. Especially when they eat.

Guy Redmaybe

Alicia: You are pretty fresh aren’t you.
Redmayne: It’s my best feature. I've got the testicles of a twenty year old.
Alicia: Where? In your briefcase?

I'm notorious. The white OJ.

Colin Sweeney

Hardest thing I've ever had to do; be a parent.

Lemond Bishop

You have a great bedside manner. Don’t worry about it but if you screw this up, everyone will die.

Marisa Gold

Mr. Canning, you've been leaving this earth for three months now so excuse my incredulity.


The truth isn’t this happened or that happened. The truth to me is about doing good and the only way to put yourself in a position to do good is by getting elected. That’s the greater truth.

Jonathan Elfman

It's too new for the State Department to make a determination and I'm not spending ten years in a Federal prison for aiding and abetting terrorists.

David Lee

And this being Chicago there's never any fraud at the polls.


Maybe he can find other ways of facilitating the killing of Jews.

David Lee

Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
