Well, you know what they say. When one door closes, make lemonade.


Stephanie: I've been reading articles on long-distance relationships.
Adam: Not good?
Stephanie: Not good.
Adam: Well, our long-distance relationship is only temporary.
Stephanie: Says the man who has no idea when he's coming back.

Donovan: We decided if we're gonna lose to the curse, we're gonna lose together.
Sam: Well, let's make sure you don't lose.

Abigail: I wish I could say the three words.
Donovan: Let's break this curse so you can.
Abigail: I want to say them now.
Donovan: I'll say them for both of us. I love you.

Martha: How will we put the warm in housewarming without beautiful flowers?
Tom: As long as you're there, Martha, the house doesn't need flowers to be beautiful.

Cassie: Remind yourself why you're meditating.
Sam: Cuz you told me to.

You made a plan for yourself, and that's great, but I also have to be able to make plans.


Tom: On the bright side, it's a funny story.
Martha: It's hard to see the bright side without my monumental chandelier.

Donna: Get ready for your mind to be blown.
Joy: Well, with a statement like that, you better live up to it.
Donna: We landed that remodel in Vermont. [silence] Why isn't your mind blown?
Joy: Well, what happened to looking for work in Middleton?
Donna: That was before we got this offer. Joy, this contract could take our company from the minor leagues to the majors!

Adam: It's not fair of me to ask you to put your life on hold. You know, maybe we're doing what we think we're supposed to do.
Stephanie: Instead of what we should do.

Dottie: My, my. The queen finally has her castle. I'm surprised you didn't ask to borrow my tiara.
Martha: Dottie. As always, you put the backhand in compliment.

Abigail, from the day we met, you've challenged me in a way I never thought anyone ever could, and I've loved every second of it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm not going to let anything keep us apart. [gets down on one knee] Will you marry me?


Good Witch Season 6 Episode 10 Quotes

Stephanie: I've been reading articles on long-distance relationships.
Adam: Not good?
Stephanie: Not good.
Adam: Well, our long-distance relationship is only temporary.
Stephanie: Says the man who has no idea when he's coming back.

Well, you know what they say. When one door closes, make lemonade.
