Abigail: No one told me about the hidden safe when I was mayor.
Martha: Being me has its privileges.

Abigail: How did your interview with Martha go?
Joy: She told you we met.
Abigail: Let's go with that.

Dotty: [claps while listening to Martha read] You're quite the wordsmith.
Martha: You're quite the thorn in my side!

Sam: It's finally happened.
Cassie: What?
Sam: You've adopted my sense of humor.
Cassie: Wow. I was having a nice time until you said that.

Martha: Why aren't I seeing pizza?
Joy: Because I'm not the pizza delivery person.
Martha: Then who are you?
Joy: I'm Joy Harper. I'm the woman who's going to renovate your new house.

Well, the road may be rocky, but the key is to find joy on the journey.


Abigail: Have you ever heard of a misfortune cookie?
Cassie: Mmm. I can't say that I have. [reads the insert] 'Your heart will break, but you just keep living day after day after terrible day.' Wow. Remind me not to eat at that restaurant.

Adam: Oh, nice.
Sam: As nice as handwritten lyrics signed by Paul McCartney?
Adam: Ooh. Definitely not.
Sam: You call that helpful?

Graduates, you may now turn your tassels. I now proudly present to you this year's graduating class of Middleton High School!


Abigail: These words are not easy for me to say, but here it goes. I'm sorry.
Donovan: Oh.
Abigail: What you told me, I guess it took me by surprise.
Donovan. I, I guess.
Abigail: And I did this to try and make it up to you.
Donovan: That's nice.
Abigail: Donovan. I. I.
Donovan: If you can't say it, it's OK.
Abigail: I'm thinking it in my head, but the word can't come out of my mouth.
Donovan: Maybe you're putting too much pressure on yourself.
Abigail: No, I'm telling you I physically can't say it! I think it's the curse.
Donovan: You know what, I think I'm just gonna call it a night.
Abigail: No! I can prove to you that it's real.
Donovan: The Curse?
Abigail: No! How I feel about you! I, I literally spelt it out! [a gust of wind blows flower petals spelling out I love you off the couch] This isn't happening!
Donovan: I think you might be right.

Martha: I think this song represents the love that's been here since the beginning.
Cassie: The same love that founded our town.

Sam: I think we just found the Middleton treasure.
Cassie: I think you just made your great discovery.

Good Witch Quotes

Sam: So, when's the big day gonna be?
Cassie: Halloween.

Emma: I was really hoping that we could get here at the same time, but, well, you'd have to talk to our commanding officers about lining up our schedules.
Stephanie: I don't think I'm powerful enough to be listened to by the united states marines.
Emma: Yeah. I wish I knew someone who was.