It was the two thousands okay? You were kind of a loser if you didn’t have a sex tape.

Dating is fun, but dating in secret, is really fun.

Peter: Cliff hasn't seen you naked? I thought he was gettin up in them guts?
Mindy: Oh he is. UTI level gettin up in them guts.

de Blasio's been mayor for a couple of months and now we're suddenly living in Baghdad?


I'm not jealous of a guy who wears boot cut jeans ok?


Can't you correspond with prison convicts like normal desperate women?


Historically breakups do not bring out the best in me.

The closest I've ever had to a celebrity patient was, do you remember Trishelle from Real World, Road Rules Inferno? Her mom was a patient.

Mindy: Guys over the holiday I had five hams and a goose. Like, I am a wolf in a children's story. And guess what? Cliff's gonna have to see me in my bathing suit soon.
Danny: Just get one with a skirt, like the moms at the pool.

So you went on a coffee date with a loser, all coffee dates are with losers.


What am I supposed to do with my hands if I’m not holding beers?


To show my gratitude for this kindness, we can choose any city of the Real Housewives to watch.

The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
