Oh you got jokes? All of a sudden you're the King of Queens?


Peter: Cliff hasn't seen you naked? I thought he was gettin up in them guts?
Mindy: Oh he is. UTI level gettin up in them guts.

It's New York, we take care of our own.


How many hours of energy did you drink?


I'm not jealous of a guy who wears boot cut jeans ok?


Danny: He thinks I'm Jewish.
Peter: Well I can see that. You do complain about the air conditioning a lot.

Mindy: Guys over the holiday I had five hams and a goose. Like, I am a wolf in a children's story. And guess what? Cliff's gonna have to see me in my bathing suit soon.
Danny: Just get one with a skirt, like the moms at the pool.

What am I supposed to do with my hands if I’m not holding beers?


To show my gratitude for this kindness, we can choose any city of the Real Housewives to watch.

I don't roll G rated. I'm hard R son!


You guys wanna see how many push-ups I can do?


Morgan: You know Richie's gay?
Danny: No Morgan a straight guy won Mr. Gay Fort Lauderdale. Yes I know he's gay.

The Mindy Project Quotes

After four vodka sodas I realized, I had something to say.


Daniel Castellano, I'm the man that is going to take a person out of you. I don't take that responsibility lightly okay?
