If I was not going to kill you, I would give you some advice.


Mercer: Did you feel anything at all?
Teleya: No
Mercer: It was just your mission. To get close to me.
Teleya: That is correct.
Mercer: Man, I liked you a lot better when you were using contractions.

Teleya: Lt. Tyler was designed to be the ideal Union officer and the perfect lure.
Mercer: Well done.
Teleya: It was not difficult. You are simplistic and easily manipulated.

Grayson: First, you'll need a medical and psych evaluation. I'll tell Dr. Finn to expect you.
Malloy: Thank you, Commander. I won't let you down. Future captain right here!
Bortus: He will fail.

Grayson: Tharl driving you crazy too?
Bortus: He does not stop talking and he makes loud noises when he consumes food. He comes to the mess hall wearing...SANDALS.

Mercer: What are you, Jane Goodall?
Grayson: Yeah, and you're the primate.

I see the way you smile when she walks onto the bridge. I know your smiles. You have fifteen. Three are for happiness, eleven are passive-aggressive, and one is for being in love. I've seen it before, y'know.


Mercer: She's cool. She's smart. She's funny. She checks every box. I've never met a woman who checked every box.
Malloy: You said Kelly checked every box.
Mercer: Yeah, well I got more boxes now. She checks those too.

Remember, you're dating a cartographer. I know all the best vacation spots.


I don't know you. I never even tried to know you.


Malloy: Are you going to be okay?
Ildus: Alara took care of it.
Malloy: She always does.

Bam! Taking the tube to Tummy Town.

Lt. Tharl

The Orville Quotes

Mercer: I know Gordon has his issues but we all know that there's nobody that can drive a starship like him.
Admiral: Didn't he once draw a penis on the main viewing screen of Outpost T-85?
Mercer: He's drawn a lot of penises on a lot of things.

Mercer: I've had some personal stuff that's been going on... It's not really worth going into... Can I have one of these mints?
Admiral: Those are marbles.