Teleya: ... you were friends [with my brother]?
Malloy: Um, we were, we were. Really tight, me and that guy. Buddies for life. Devon and Arnock. Darnok, they could us.
Taleya: Strange, he never spoke of you. You say you were close.
Malloy: Oh, man, yeah. Yeah, we used to take baths together. Really going to miss him.

Ozawa: You and your helmsman are going to take that shuttle across the border and infiltrate a Krill vessel. You're going to obtain a copy of the Anhkana.
Grayson: There has to be someone with more undercover experience.
Mercer: Oh, thanks.
Grayson: What? You wanna risk death on a Krill ship?
Mercer: No, but you also don't have to make me look bad with company over.

Mercer: What happened to automatic fire suppression?
Kitan: That's the panel that caught fire.

Malloy: Wait. So you can eat anything?
Bortus: I can eat many things.

Isaac: I am fascinated by the interpersonal behavior of biological organisms. I would be happy to attempt sexual relations with you, Lieutenant.
Kitan: I'm actually just sort of working on myself right now. But thanks.

It's a good rule in life never to apologize. The right kind of people never want apologies and the wrong kind take advantage of them.


I'm a doctor. My expertise is in biology. This is more like fixing an engine.


[Oonach-4] is off limits because the people are nightmarish. They capture outsiders and then sacrifice them to a raccoon god by methodically dismembering them.


Grayson: My concern is completely unemotional, trust me. You can bang that chick on your kitchen sink for all I care.
Mercer: I don't ever do it near the food. You know that.

What, do you think she crashed her own ship just so she could come here and do free laundry?


Mercer: Did you read her diary too?
Grayson: No, we couldn't find it.

Yaphit: Y'know, this may sound blunt but you are the only white woman I've ever found attractive.
Levesque: Well, you're the handsomist pile of cat puke I've ever seen.

The Orville Quotes

Mercer: I know Gordon has his issues but we all know that there's nobody that can drive a starship like him.
Admiral: Didn't he once draw a penis on the main viewing screen of Outpost T-85?
Mercer: He's drawn a lot of penises on a lot of things.

Mercer: I've had some personal stuff that's been going on... It's not really worth going into... Can I have one of these mints?
Admiral: Those are marbles.