Kitan: Oh, Claire, I have bad news.
Finn: What's wrong?
Kitan: You're the ranking officer which means you have command. Enjoy.
Finn: Son of a bitch

Kitan: Kaylon is comparable in that area to the Calivon themselves which means they should be willing to talk to us as long as he's with us.
LaMarr: White dude can go to Compton as long as the black guy says it's cool.
Kitan: I have no idea what that means but yes.

Kitan: Once we reach the planet, Isaac becomes key. As he loves to remind everyone, his homeworld of Kaylon is technologically superior to the rest of us.
Isaac: Intellectually, as well, sir.

Can I have everyone's attention please? I have been given a direct order by the Fleet Admiralty to abandon the search for Captain Mercer and Commander Grayson. But, as far as I'm concerned, they can bite me because we're going anyway.


Grayson: There was a time when humans imprisoned animals for entertainment. Wasn't intended to be cruel, we just felt as the higher species, we had the right.
Mercer: Yeah, well that was hundreds of years ago so you tell me who's more advanced... Hey! We are not your Shamu!

Alien: See, their buoys can scan your computer and then instantly generate a customized holographic lure. Soon as you bite, you're transported here.
Grayson: Like leaving an animal trap in the wild.
Mercer: They even knew to make my dad talk about his colon. That's an advanced technology.

Mercer: Do you remember that time Jeff and Maureen invited us to the opera?... and you knew I hated opera so you made me smoke that joint before we left?
Grayson: So sorry. That was supposed to be mine. I gave you the wrong one.
Mercer: Your weapons-grade weed. Yes, I remember it very well. And it kicked in when we got to the theatre and I became convinced that ...
Grayson: ... that you were going to be paralyzed...
Mercer: ... that I would be paralyzed if I stayed seated for longer than two minutes

LaMarr: Dora the Explorer got some balls.
Malloy: Good ones. Good balls.

Newton: Kid, you gotta be joking. You re-route power and this ship's not going to be going anywhere.
Kitan: Chief, unless we know where the Captain and the Commander were taken, there will be no where to go. Oh, and it's SIR not KID. Just a friendly reminder.

  • Permalink: Not Kid
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Kitan: Will you help me?
Finn: I'm not going to whisper the right answers in your ear but I'll try to be your Obi-Wan however I can.
Kitan: My what?

  • Permalink: Obi-Wan
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Command is all about the balance between inspiring confidence in your leadership and knowing when to trust your people.


You think they'd give me three weeks off to sit on an egg?


The Orville Quotes

Mercer: I know Gordon has his issues but we all know that there's nobody that can drive a starship like him.
Admiral: Didn't he once draw a penis on the main viewing screen of Outpost T-85?
Mercer: He's drawn a lot of penises on a lot of things.

Mercer: I've had some personal stuff that's been going on... It's not really worth going into... Can I have one of these mints?
Admiral: Those are marbles.