We got Dora the Explorer running the show here.


Malloy: I can bring [the shuttle] over by remote guidance on your order
Kitan: Got it.
Malloy: Is... Is the order given?
Kitan: Yes. Absolutely. Do that.
Malloy: Aye, sir.
Kitan: And... good job! With that remote thing.
Malloy: Thanks.

Honestly, Kell, most guys would hold a grudge for something like this. I think you did us a favor. I really do. In fact, you know what? I want to thank you for your infidelity.


Grayson: You can tell me, y'know. We never talked about it. What did she say about me?
Mercer: It's nothing too terrible.
Grayson: You can tell me.
Mercer: It wasn't that bad.
Grayson: Just be honest.
Mercer: She once called you a bitch forty-six times in one sitting.
Grayson: Wow.
Mercer: Yeah, the people at the next table complained.

Sorry about my parents, everyone... My colon is fine, by the way.


Mercer: Guys, you remember Gordon?
Malloy: Hi, Mr. and Mrs. M!
Mr. Mercer: Is that Gordon?
Malloy: It's me. Yeah.
Mr. Mercer: Oh! Well, ok, tell him I said hi.
Mercer: He just heard you, Dad.
Malloy: Hi!
Mr. Mercer: Who's that?
Mercer: That's Gordon again.

Mercer: Moclans reproduce by laying eggs which I never knew.
LaMarr: Well, where does it come out of? The butt?
Mercer: Y'know, John, I didn't really pry into those kinds of specifics
LaMarr: How's that not the first thing you ask?

Bortus: Moclans reproduce by laying eggs. Klyden and I are going to have a child.
Mercer: Bortus! That's great! Congrats! My god, you lay eggs?
Bortus: Yes, sir
Mercer: I always wondered how a single-gender species populated itself but... are they big eggs?
Bortus: They are somewhat large, yes, sir.

Mercer: That is, uh, Kermit the Frog
Bortus: I do not recognize the species.
Mercer: It's an amphibious life form from Earth.
Bortus: Is it someone you know?
Mercer: No, no, he's just a leader I admire. Always keeps his cool in a crisis. Inspires greatness in his people.

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Bortus: Well done, Lieutenant.
Malloy: Sir, since I pulled that off, can I please wear shorts to work?
Bortus: I've already said no.

Mercer: Alright, he's got a gun. We have something better.
Grayson: What?
Mercer: Seatbelts

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Malloy: This is something I call Hugging the Donkey
LaMarr: You can Hug the Donkey?
Mallow: Dude, I've been Hugging the Donkey since flight school

The Orville Quotes

Mercer: I know Gordon has his issues but we all know that there's nobody that can drive a starship like him.
Admiral: Didn't he once draw a penis on the main viewing screen of Outpost T-85?
Mercer: He's drawn a lot of penises on a lot of things.

Mercer: I've had some personal stuff that's been going on... It's not really worth going into... Can I have one of these mints?
Admiral: Those are marbles.